![]() ABC Carnival '74 Across the Board Baloney Bamboozle Be What You Want Beat The Genius Beat The Odds (1962) Beat The Odds (1975) Bedtime Stories The Better Sex The Big Money The Big Payoff Big Spenders Blank Check Body Language Body Talk The Buck Stops Here Bullseye Call My Bluff Card Sharks (1996) Casino Caught in the Act Celebrity Billiards Celebrity Doubletalk Celebrity Secrets Celebrity Sweepstakes Chain Letter (1964) The Challengers (1974) Change Partners Child's Play The Choice Is Yours Combination Lock (1996) Comedy Club Concentration (1985) The Confidence Game Cop Out Countdown (1974) Countdown (1990) The Couples Race Crossword Decisions, Decisions Dollar a Second Duel in the Daytime The Fashion Show Fast Friends $50,000 a Minute Finish Line (1975) Finish Line (1990) Get Rich Quick Going, Going, Gone! Head of the Class High Rollers Hollywood Squares (1965) Hollywood Squares (1985) The Honeymoon Game Hot Numbers Hot Potato House to House How Do You Like Your Eggs? Jackpot (1984) Jeopardy (1977) Jokers Wild Jumble Key Witness Keynotes (1986) King of the Hill Let's Make a Deal (1963) Let's Make a Deal (1990) The Love Experts M'ama Non M'ama Match Game (1962) Match Game (1973) Match Game (1990) Match Game (1996) MatchGame (2008) Mindreaders Missing Links Monday Night QB Money Words Money in the Blank Moneymaze Monopoly (1987) Nothing But the Truth Now You See It (1986) Oddball 100% PDQ Party Line People On TV Play For Keeps Play Your Hunch The Plot Thickens Pot O' Gold Pressure Point The Price Is Right (1972) Pyramid (1996) Pyramid (1997) A Question of Scruples Quick as a Flash Razzle Dazzle Riddlers Run For The Money Says Who? Scrabble (1990) Second Guessers Second Honeymoon Sharaize Shoot for the Stars Shoot the Works Shopping Spree Show Me Showoffs Simon Says $64,000 Question (2000) Smart Alecks Smart Money Spellbinders Spin-Off Split Decision Star Cluster Star Play Strictly Confidential TKO Talking Pictures (1968) Talking Pictures (1976) Tell It to Groucho Temptation (1981) $10,000 Sweep Three of a Kind Tic Tac Dough Tie-Up Top Secret Twenty One (1982) Twenty Questions Twisters Up and Over The Waiting Game We've Got Your Number What Do You Want? What's On Your Mind Wheel of Fortune Whew! Whodunit Whose Baby Wipeout Word Grabbers Write Your Own Ticket You Bet Your Life (1988) You Bet Your Life (1991) You're Putting Me On Show a Random Pilot Show Unreviewed Pilots Bob Stewart Flow Chart | Head of the ClassProducer: Unknown Host: Gene Rayburn Musicians: Marilyn Lovell, The Noteworthies, Elliot Lawrence and His Orchestra Announcer: Dick Dudley Taping Info: 1960 presumably in New York, NY Made it to Air: It was scheduled to appear on June 24, 1960 on NBC and appears in TV listings for that date. However, it was pulled in favor of reruns of Cimarron and Wichita Town Availability: It is available at the UCLA archive. There's a big problem with this pilot. Mainly, it's missing the ending. So we have no idea who the producer of this show was, thwarting our ability to figure out if this is Goodson-Todman trying to think of a new direction for the panel show or if this was a creation of another company. Like I've Got a Secret, this one was played strictly for laughs. Gene Rayburn was the host and featured contributions from Marilyn Lovell (still on the cabaret circuit), The Noteworthies (disappeared off the face of the earth) and Elliot Lawrence and His Orchestra. Four contestants would watch a skit and try to remember elements of it, since it would be the basis of later questions. After the skit, one player is designated "head of the class" and would be given a question. After the player gave their answer, another player either agreed with the answer or challenged it. If the first answer given was correct, the "head of the class" got $50 and the agreer $10. If the first answer was wrong and the challenge answer was correct, that player got $10 and became "head of the class". Each skit had six questions, and a player got a bonus prize if they got all six questions in a round. The first skit involved Gene and the Noteworthies reminiscing about his hometown of Chicago. The second one was a murder mystery involving Marilyn Lovell and Gene, while the third one was questions based off a clip of the 1924 Will Rogers movie Underdog (although there is no reference of this movie anywhere). The fourth skit, however, was the best. A parody of the panel show called What's So Special?, it featured "Jim Weekly" who had the habit of long-winded explanations on the ruling of a yes or no question. This wouldn't have been a problem, if the secret wasn't Gene holding his breath. The show was pretty silly, which was probably one of the reasons it didn't make it to air. The other was probably the incredibly confusing way the question round was played, a simple straight quiz probably would have been better. It was scheduled to be a summer series for 1960 on NBC Friday Nights, paired with Play Your Hunch and was even listed for a June 24 premiere. However, the week before, NBC changed course and announced that the Friday night lineup would consist of reruns of Cimarron and Wichita Town.
This pilot has been viewed 12527 times since October 6, 2008 and was last modified on Dec 12, 2009 14:46 ET |