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ABC Carnival '74
Across the Board
Be What You Want
Beat The Genius
Beat The Odds (1962)
Beat The Odds (1975)
Bedtime Stories
The Better Sex
The Big Money
The Big Payoff
Big Spenders
Blank Check
Body Language
Body Talk
The Buck Stops Here
Call My Bluff
Card Sharks (1996)
Caught in the Act
Celebrity Billiards
Celebrity Doubletalk
Celebrity Secrets
Celebrity Sweepstakes
Chain Letter (1964)
The Challengers (1974)
Change Partners
Child's Play
The Choice Is Yours
Combination Lock (1996)
Comedy Club
Concentration (1985)
The Confidence Game
Cop Out
Countdown (1974)
Countdown (1990)
The Couples Race
Decisions, Decisions
Dollar a Second
Duel in the Daytime
The Fashion Show
Fast Friends
$50,000 a Minute
Finish Line (1975)
Finish Line (1990)
Get Rich Quick
Going, Going, Gone!
Head of the Class
High Rollers
Hollywood Squares (1965)
Hollywood Squares (1985)
The Honeymoon Game
Hot Numbers
Hot Potato
House to House
How Do You Like Your Eggs?
Jackpot (1984)
Jeopardy (1977)
Jokers Wild
Key Witness
Keynotes (1986)
King of the Hill
Let's Make a Deal (1963)
Let's Make a Deal (1990)
The Love Experts
M'ama Non M'ama
Match Game (1962)
Match Game (1973)
Match Game (1990)
Match Game (1996)
MatchGame (2008)
Missing Links
Monday Night QB
Money Words
Money in the Blank
Monopoly (1987)
Nothing But the Truth
Now You See It (1986)
Party Line
People On TV
Play For Keeps
Play Your Hunch
The Plot Thickens
Pot O' Gold
Pressure Point
The Price Is Right (1972)
Pyramid (1996)
Pyramid (1997)
A Question of Scruples
Quick as a Flash
Razzle Dazzle
Run For The Money
Says Who?
Scrabble (1990)
Second Guessers
Second Honeymoon
Shoot for the Stars
Shoot the Works
Shopping Spree
Show Me
Simon Says
$64,000 Question (2000)
Smart Alecks
Smart Money
Split Decision
Star Cluster
Star Play
Strictly Confidential
Talking Pictures (1968)
Talking Pictures (1976)
Tell It to Groucho
Temptation (1981)
$10,000 Sweep
Three of a Kind
Tic Tac Dough
Top Secret
Twenty One (1982)
Twenty Questions
Up and Over
The Waiting Game
We've Got Your Number
What Do You Want?
What's On Your Mind
Wheel of Fortune
Whose Baby
Word Grabbers
Write Your Own Ticket
You Bet Your Life (1988)
You Bet Your Life (1991)
You're Putting Me On

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Bob Stewart Flow Chart

Shoot the Works

Producer: Bob Stewart
Host: Geoff Edwards
Announcer: Bob Clayton
Celebrities: Anita Gilette, Bill Cullen
Taping Info: 1975 or 1976, probably New York City
Made it to Air: Yes, on NBC under the title Shoot for the Stars, premiering on January 3, 1977 (replacing Stumpers) and lasting until September 30, 1977 when it was replaced by Knockout.
Availability: It's on the trading circuit.

According to a Usenet post by the host himself in 1997, Geoff Edwards had to pass on Family Feud because he was already committed to this pilot. What could have been? Well, we'll never know, but we do have evidence of what he passed up, and it was Shoot the Works, this game featuring the Jackpot theme and scoring system and standard issue celebrities, in this case Anne Meara and Bill Cullen.

The main game resembled the main game of Double Talk ten years later, with a board consisting of 24 unrelated word pairs whose synonyms made related words. For example "mentoring glow" could mean "Guiding Light". One player would give the first part of the answer, while the other player gave the other half. Teams took turns, answering these riddles for various values of $100-$300 dollars with one additional $500 space. Four of the board spaces were stars, which allowed you to bet any amount of your money on the answer. If you bet it all, it was called "Shoot the Works." First team to $1,500 won and moved on to the bonus game.

The bonus game has the celebrity reading a phrase with an underlined word or words, with the civilian contestant replacing the words with the most common ones used for the phrase. How many you needed to get to win was random and was known before the game was played. The usual $5,000 was awarded for getting the number needed.

Nothing real exciting here, the typical garish color combo Stewart used in the 70's, usual word guessing game and predictable prizes. The only distinctive thing about this show it was the last NBC game show to be shot in New York City.

This pilot has been viewed 12925 times since October 6, 2008 and was last modified on Dec 12, 2009 14:46 ET
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