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The Love Experts

Producer: Bob Stewart
Host: Bill Cullen
Announcer: Jack Clark
Celebrities: JoAnne Worley, William Shatner, Elaine Joyce, Geoff Edwards
Taping Info: January 4, 1978
Other Pilots: A pilot with Jack Cassidy as the host was made sometime during the 70s.
Made it to Air: Yes, it aired in five-a-day first-run syndication starting in September 1978 for one season

On this site, I constantly rag Bob Stewart on making nothing but word games. I can't accuse him this time of another word game with The Love Experts, a relationship show featuring host Bill Cullen and four players from the Bob Stewart Repertory Company. Let's take a look at their love credentials as of the time of this pilot:

  • Bill Cullen - two-time divorc�e, current wife is a sister to a sometimes co-worker's ex-wife (and remained married until his death in 1990)
  • JoAnne Worley - finally married three years ago at 37 after six years of cohabitation (divorced in 2000)
  • William Shatner - on fifth year of second marriage after previous 13-year marriage fell ended in divorce (currently on his fourth wife)
  • Elaine Joyce - in 10th year of first marriage (currently on her third husband)
  • Geoff Edwards - finally got married on his 42nd birthday, now in 6th year of marriage (and is still on this marriage after 26 years)

After some brief chit-chat between Bill and the celebrities, the first guest was brought out. She is a single woman who only seems to meet married men. Six minutes of inoffensive common sense advise ensued. The second guest was a newly married woman whose husband doesn't pay attention to her anymore. Six minutes of inoffensive common sense advise ensued. The third guest had two boyfriends � a married pro ballplayer and an unmarried life-long steady � she couldn't decide between the two. Six minutes of inoffensive common sense advise ensued. After the three guests, Bill and the celebs took questions from the audience.

Notice something I haven't mentioned yet � a game. There is none here. For those of you who remember the show, you may remember the celebrities did vote and gave a trip or some other prize to one of the guests. For those of those who are scoring at home, and really don't need advice from The Love Experts, there are two cosmetic differences as well. First, it's also missing all of the flora of the eventually airing show, meaning the hot air is not being absorbed. Second, a generic instrumental love song was used rather than the out-of-place "Spring Rain" the actual show used.

To paraphrase a Simpsons quote, The Love Experts is Loveline if Ned Flanders was in charge. It's inoffensive but also very boring. After all, who really cares what Bill Cullen's advice is on handling oversexed women.

This pilot has been viewed 6858 times since October 6, 2008 and was last modified on Dec 12, 2009 14:46 ET
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